
Hi lovely people,

Welcome to my blog!

It’s been a while since the last time I have written something online and gosh.. How I missed it.

I used to have a fashion blog when I was only 13 years old for a couple of years but then I started traveling on the age of 17 and keeping up with my blog was really difficult. I left to China as my first solo-trip and as my previous blog was made on “Blogspot” and China blocked this website, it was even more difficult for me to continue writing. Then I discovered Instagram and YouTube and I have been very focussed on creating content on these platforms for the past couple of years.

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed already that I love writing down my thoughts and emotions through my captions. As much as I love Instagram and the way I can connect with people from all over this beautiful world, I feel like it doesn’t allow me enough space to truly explain myself in certain topics.

Youtube has been a better platform for me to create stuff and to make an even better connection with everyone who follows me but yet.. I recently realized how much I actually miss writing.
I still write for myself, I enjoy journaling on a daily base for about a year now but my fingers are itching to write and share certain things with you.

So hereby, I’m starting a blog again.. yay!

I hope to inspire or motivate you with posts about veganism, conscious living, personal growth and sustainability. I’ll be sharing my own opinions on certain topics as some tips and tricks on how to. And of course, also some yummy recipes as food is a big part of my life!

I hope you’re just as excited as I am about starting a blog again!

