Portobello Mushroom salad

Earlier today, I was out of inspiration and had a quick look in my fridge to see what I had left and what I possibly could make for lunch.
I grabbed some of my favourite products and ended up making a really delicious, nutrient, filling portobello mushroom salad.
Also, I’m a HUGE mushroom lover but portobello mushrooms will always be one of my favourites. It doesn’t need much to taste amazing and it adds so much flavour to your dish.

I didn’t plan on making a recipe or trying out a recipe but everything came together and tastes so good together that I just had to share this recipe with you.

It doesn’t need much preparation, it’s easy, quick to make and most of all.. plant-based goodness.



  • Garlic

  • Portobello mushroom

  • Canned chickpeas

  • Sweet potato

  • Kale

  • Pepper

  • Salt

  • Smoked paprika powder

  • Olive oil



  • Pré-heat the oven on 200°C

  • Wash and cut 1 sweet potato in even parts

  • Toss the portobello mushroom and sweet potato with olive oil and transfer to an oven tray

  • Add some garlic cloves to the portobello mushroom (I like to leave the peel on) and pepper and salt

  • Leave in the oven until it’s well cooked/soft

  • While the mushroom and sweet potato are in the oven, heat some olive oil in 2 pans on low heat

  • To 1 pan, add the chickpeas (washed and drained), smoked paprika powder, pepper and salt and continue cooking on low heat until it’s crispy (stir now and then so it won’t burn)

  • Add kale to the 2nd pan and continue cooking on low heat, stirring now and then, until kale is crispy

  • Serve and enjoy!

Share your creations with me on instagram!

